Many students ask themselves how to write an essay on psychology. Following this simple advice, you will create a work in the shortest period of time and learn a lot about yourself and other people.
To begin with, psychology is a very extensive science. Thousands of books have been written about it, but still many questions remain practically unlighted. If you want to write an essay on psychology in the shortest possible time, try to write about any direction of psychotherapy. This is the simplest option. There are many relevant psychology essay topics in this field. Psychotherapy is not formally part of psychology, but it is used by psychologists in the event that they do not work with a sick person.
There is a huge array of different kinds of psychotherapies. These are Freud’s study of his psychoanalysis and neuro-linguistic programming and Rogers’ researches about a humanistic attitude toward clients. In fact, you just need to open an article on psychotherapy in Wikipedia or other source and find a direction that you like.
Try to write about something simple, for example, about art or behavioral therapy. Do not waste your time on narrative therapy, because it is too difficult for understanding for beginners. Do not write about cognitive therapy too, as it is easy to get confused in this area of psychology. You can also write about known psychological researches, for example, about the experiment of Rosenkhan or the study of Stanley Milgram. The most popular is, perhaps, Zimbardo’s experiment in prison. You can find more details about it on the Internet. This is very interesting and not boring theme for a psychology essay.
You can also write about the influence of psychology on the life of an ordinary person. Making an example, do you know that light bulbs on the floor in airplanes are the merit of psychologists, as well as the width of the evacuation passages? Psychologists are increasingly engaged in application interfaces for computers and smartphones too. Maybe, this is not the most interesting topic, but it is relevant and can be a perfect choice for writing a psychology essay.
You can also write an essay about the biography of a well-known psychologist, for example, the founder of existential therapy Frankl was a prisoner of a concentration camp. Anna Freud, daughter of the founder of the method of associations, had an interesting life and in fact, it can become a base of good students’ psychology essay.
The essay is a genre, where the author expresses his personal impressions and observations in the form of prose. The volume of such works is usually small and the form of presentation is free. Teachers in schools and colleges like to use essays as assignments for their students. This is an easy way for them to learn the student’s opinion and assess his or her knowledge on a topic. This is a kind of paper that can perfectly show their own opinion and excellent knowledge on a given topic, good style, and language. This type of work is very suitable for such subject as psychology. Writing the psychology essay includes several stages.
The first stage is thinking over the problem. Make sure that your knowledge on the topic is exhaustive. It is necessary to familiarize yourself not only with one but also with several literary, critical, or scientific works. While reading, take notes, write out and compare the facts. Develop your own reasoning to be able to prove your personal point of view. If it is possible, read the studies with the opposite point of view. This will help you build your counterarguments.
It is good to choose a topic for a psychology essay that you like or with which you are already familiar. To talk about some phenomenon, you need to have a certain amount of knowledge. By the way, the word “essay” from the French means “an attempt.” Therefore, follow this principle while working and just try to explain your views on any psychological issue in the text.
Consider the content and structure of your future essay. Make a plan on the principle: the introduction, the body of the text, and the conclusion. Psychology essays are personal discourses, and although the form is free, it is better to subordinate everything to certain logic. Therefore, the readers will not get lost in your conclusions.
An essay involves analysis and reflection. It is no coincidence that philosophical treatises are written in this genre, claiming more to the exposition of their own thoughts than to scientific accuracy. The essay is a subjective genre. All narrations must pass through the prism of your personality.
The second stage of your work is writing the essay. As it was said, the essay is quite a small paper that includes the introduction, the body of the text, and the conclusion. The introduction should demonstrate your position and its rationale. Try to intrigue the reader, immediately outlining the main idea of your work. In the first paragraph, you need to engage the audience with your topic. Begin it by describing an unusual case or fact related to psychology. It can relate specifically to your topic or be a story that inspired you to the reasoning described in the essay.
The body of your text should reveal the topic of the essay on the basis of all your conclusions, arguments, and evidence. Divide the main part into paragraphs. Make sure that the paragraphs are logically connected. It is appropriate to use your own examples from life and quotes.
Write clearly and briefly, avoid common words and hackneyed expressions. Remember that the audience is waiting not for florid style from you, but for the disclosure of the topic. However, do not over-generalize too much. In the course of your work, refer to the works used. Try to resort to various expressive means, as metaphors, allegories, quotations, images, and comparisons. Such techniques will make your text more interesting and diverse. Try to avoid complicated sentences. Adhere to the rule: one sentence is one thought. The text can be argued with different authors and points of view if it is appropriate.
There is such a tendency – the things that were told at the end are best remembered. That is why experts advise to write the conclusion of all types of work most carefully. Talking about the psychology essay, the situation is the same. Even if you did not get the most outstanding work, try to make its conclusions as good as possible. This will brighten the overall picture. There are some requirements for the final part of the essay.
The conclusion should be written in the way to let the reader understand that everything has already been said, and there is nothing more to talk about. The conclusion should be concise. It must logically follow from the main text. It should flow smoothly from the whole essay and be stylistically similar to it.
The first thing you need to pay attention to when you are writing conclusions is the questions and goals that you set out in the introduction. This part of your paper should answer all issues and cover the degree of achievement of all aims. Describe what tasks you managed to solve when writing an essay, what facts impressed you the most, and pay attention to the relevance of the topic of the essay. Imprint on your memory, the conclusion is the answers to the introduction but with the addition of your point of view.
The third stage of your process of writing is the rereading and improvement of the written text. Revise the text of the essay. Check if your writing manner matches the scientific style. Replace some sentences with more suitable ones if you notice inconsistencies. If it is possible, give your work to a competent person and listen to his or her opinion about it. Correct all mistakes and typos. Make sure that you have achieved the results you wanted. Ask your friend to read your work and find out how easy it is for the reader to understand it. Knowing these simple recommendations, you can create a good essay on psychology.
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