With a staff of over 200 MBA and PhD dissertation writers worldwide, our company is fully equipped to tackle any literary task regardless of the region. Our company ensures that each and every writer is trained and prepared to handle all your writing needs. This will allow for the paper that you are looking for the first time, and you will not have to worry about obtaining work that is questionable. With the team of writers on hand, you can be sure that any and all hired out papers will meet established requirements.
Save extra 10% on each and every order by receiving 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page offered by most of the essay writing websites.
With a top notch quality assurance department, you will be able to relax in knowing that any work that you receive from our company will be plagiarism free. Not only will this ensure that your work is original and unique, you will not have to worry about timelines. You can receive a detailed plagiarism report, if you need one, with each and every paper that you order through our company, and this will only help enhance the professional service that you will receive.
According to our company policy, each and every written by our writers should meet customer’s requirements. You need something done a specific way, and we will strive to achieve this goal. We guarantee our writer will follow your requirements. In case you feel that paper needs some corrections, you are free to use the free revision option that is available during 2 days after the deadline expires for papers less than 20 pages long and for 1 month for papers more than 20 pages long.
One of the first things that will be guaranteed with our company is that the writers that we employ are aware of the highest academic standards within the industry. What this means for you the customer, is that you will be receiving a paper that is not only detailed and concise, but also accurate in nature to the topic. With experienced writers trained within sixty various academic categories, you can be sure that what you are paying for is what you needed. With industry leading standards, we offer a guarantee that you will get the most professional and trained writer on your paper.
When it comes to the needs of the customer, one of the most important aspects is deadlines. We guarantee that we will meet any and all customer deadlines, as we know that the paper that we are writing is time sensitive. We strictly adhere to the deadlines. While choosing a deadline customers have to carefully define the right time for getting written paper back. This will allow them to review and make adjustments as required.
With the luxury of being one of the very few writing firms to have a fully working customer service department, our guarantee to you, is that you will ever have to question or wonder exactly what is going on with your order. Should you be a new customer or looking to hire our firm, you are fully encouraged to utilize our customer care program. You can easily find the answers that you are looking for, by way of email, telephone, or online live chat.
Provided the instructions for the paper are clear and understandable, any work that is not up to your standards or what you are looking for will be revised for free. This is something that is a must in order to ensure that you feel confident that we wish to offer only the highest of quality to you as a customer. Please, send your revision claims within 48 hours of the paper delivery. Revision for the 20+page orders is provided within 30 days from the delivery date.
Our company will guarantee that any paper that you hire out to be written, will be done by someone who is fully trained and educated in that specific field. This means that you will not have a plumber writing a medical journal type approach. With an entire team of specialists in virtually all academic fields, you obtain a distinct advantage over the class. What really sets this firm apart from the rest is the one on one communication that you will have access to with the writer of your paper.
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One of the unique offers that we employ within our company is that we will match your writing style with the paper that we do for you. This will be very close to your own style albeit without the errors that could be missed. This allows for a great paper, and a great credit to your work.
If you are a returning customer and you have already had a successful order completed, then you might want to utilize the writer ID option that we offer.
This means that you will have a case file, that you will be able to identify the writer that did your previous work and you can hire him/her again. It will help you to get what you need.
We offer a confidentiality guarantee to our customers, and it allows you to feel safe with what you are receiving. You will never have to worry about our company offering your personal information to third parties, and you will never have to worry about your paper reaching other hands.
When you have a team of writers that ranges in the hundreds, you can be pretty sure that you have virtually all literary basis covered. It is a company guarantee, that you will never be told that there is no writer that is trained in the needed field. You will also not be contacted and told that someone that was not educated and trained in this field wrote the paper you ordered.
While it is a finely tuned balancing act to offer great prices and keep a company successful, we have managed without issue. This can be attributed to by the fantastic team of writers that offer you the best quality work in the field. We guarantee that our company will offer you very competitive pricing, while maintaining the high level of professionalism.
We will always guarantee, that will offer the most comprehensive search and research to finalize your product. This means that you will get the most accurate information that pertains to what you are writing about. This will ensure that you are always using up to date information, and that you are not getting a paper that will be behind the times.
Should you feel that your paper is not quite what you have been expecting, notify us and we will make free revision of paper. This option is available during 2 days after deadline expires, for papers less than 20 pages long. For papers that exceed 20 pages, feel free to apply for free revision within 1 month after deadline expires.
We are so confident that the work that we offer you is original and professional in nature, that we offer incentives for those that become repeat customers. For each and every subsequent order that you place with us, you will be seeing a greater increase in the discount percentages.
You will not find a team that is willing to go further, when it comes to pleasing the customer. This company has built itself on the success of quality work and excellent customer reviews, and we guarantee that you will be pleased with what we offer for the pricing.
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