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How to Write a Good PhD Thesis?

How to Write a Good PhD Thesis?

thesis writing tips

When it comes to writing a PhD thesis even the best of the students have a little problem in writing it correctly. Of course writing a thesis on the most important paper and at the highest standard of their career is not a joke, and this is why doctorate students are ever hungry to know the best way of writing and presenting their thesis paper. Well, all that is needed is a good writing skill and a clear understanding of the subject matter, with a flair for presenting it in a good format that can impress even the most uninterested reader.

General Format for your PhD Thesis

Your PhD thesis is the highest level of your career and reflects your deep knowledge and understanding of the subject. It is actually a doctoral level assignment but, since you are at the zenith of your career, your thesis must maintain your standard while reflecting your understanding of the subject matter that you choose for your thesis. This high level assignment will manifest what you have learned from the day you first joined your school to your PhD level.

Writing a PHD Thesis Guide

The following guideline of thesis writing may help anyone wanting to write a good PhD thesis paper, no matter what ever field you belong to:

You must be worried that you won’t be able to write your thesis, because you aren’t an expert. Let me tell you that you are mistaken. Once you have made your mind you are ready to begin; now you need to maintain the quality and that’s all. Take a few good PhD thesis examples for help.

Note the page formatting, check out for the header and footer, the page number and margins, font size and style, font heading and subheading, look if anything is given in bold or italicized or underlined, bullets or numbered. In other words, you will have to check every thing on the paper. Follow the instructions clearly to meet every requirement set by your institution.

Now, read the content, if necessary read again and again until you clearly get the idea on the standard of the language used. You will have to carefully follow each and every sentence to see how the content is conveyed either in a long sentence or in short one. Check the grammar, the use of words, phrases and idioms, punctuation marks and the correct spelling. See how the text is written in a precise manner with good paragraphs and quotations, subtitles and correct content.

As far as your subject matter is concerned, you are expected to write it in a high-standard language. Here you will need a good knowledge of writing skills and flaunt a language that will suit the taste of the review committee. Your mastery over the subject will do you no good until and unless you are able to convey the same through your content in a language that is good and up to the standard. A good, powerful, effective and correct sentence is all that you need to make your mark.

Finally, do not forget that the example was also written after a lot of preparation. So when you sit to write yours do revise it again and again to see if there are any mistakes. If you think that your content is not up to the standard, try rewriting the sentences to make it more clear and effective.

Do not forget to edit and proofread your content, repeat it as many time as required. It would be good if you ask someone else to do it for you, there are chances that you might just miss out few errors.

PHD Thesis Structure

A good example of PhD thesis will be like a map and will guide you so that you do not go the wrong way. When you choose an example observe the structure of the thesis. Begin from the copyright page then go the introduction, see the literature review, the methodology and then the conclusion. Do not forget to note the references and the appendices in the last pages too.

  • Copyright page: it specifies the right to publish the written materials, and to whom it belongs. Different institutions use different forms.
  • Declaration: words used may vary with institutions and people but the sole aim is to declare that the submitted work is the original production of the candidate. The acknowledgement is not included in it.
  • Title page: gives the name of the thesis, the candidate, degree, field, university and also dates.
  • Abstract: like the introduction the abstract is most read and published. An introduction is written in the beginning while the abstract is written in the end. It is a brief detail about your thesis.
  • Acknowledgements: a page dedicated to those whom you are thankful for the help and support they lend you.
  • Table of contents and index pages: a page listing the main chapters and the sub chapters with their respective page numbers, to make access to pages easy and fast. Page 1 is for Introduction, roman numbers are used for matters that have to come in the beginning.
  • Introduction: general information for your readers so as to give them the idea of your thesis and the content they can expect in it. Your introduction has to get the readers interested in your thesis. The thesis statement which you must write in few words can be a good tool to capture the interest of your readers.
  • Literature review: this is where you will discuss your thesis topic based on your ideas and the materials you researched and the references you used and the information you accumulated from various sources.
  • Body: this is your space and you can write your thoughts on the topic, along with the materials you planned for your methodology and also a chapter on the same, the theoretical basis of your methods and the results you have attained. Plus a discussion on all these. Graphs, maps, pictures and diagrams, analysis, statistics, data and figures etc must be included here.
  • Conclusion: based on your findings after your thorough study, here you will give your conclusion with respect to the future prospects and contributions to the knowledge of the present and future aspirants and the readers as whole.
  • References and appendices: A list of the materials used for references and supplementation.

If you want to write a good PhD thesis paper so that it is well read and appreciated then you must make it interesting, clear and concise. Don’t forget to edit and proofread your content. Ask for help and guidance. A well written thesis is the one with a clear, concise, correct and a beautiful content.

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