Yes, we provide our customers with online exam assistance. When placing your order, do not forget to choose the “Online test” order type. Also, you will need to provide us with all the necessary files and readings to help one of our experts get ready for your test. What is more, you will need to indicate the accurate date of the test submission, as well as the duration and time of the test. If you provide us with all this information, the writer will be able to get prepared for your test thoroughly and pass it successfully.
This process may take from 3 to 5 business days depending on the work of your bank/payment processing company. completes its business operations through one of the best and most reliable Internet E-Commerce Companies called BlueSnap and Safecharge. We use a financial intermediary between you as a client and as a service provider to guarantee safe transactions.
No, doesn’t charge you anything extra in addition to the regular fees.
Yes, sure. You can add a 1-page draft to your order and it will become available to you after 50% of the chosen deadline. Please, consider that this option requires additional payment.
Although it is not obligatory to share your personal information with us, your valid contact information will significantly enhance our cooperation. In case any clarifications from your order are needed, we will be able to reach you without any problems. As for your privacy, you should know that we have a strict non-disclosure policy which enables us to keep all personal information of our customers maximally protected. To avoid any privacy issues, our writers do not have access to the personal information of our customers. Pay attention that we cannot provide you with the writer’s personal information as well.
According to our policies, our customers receive their papers in accordance with the deadlines allocated. In fact, the price of your order greatly depends on its deadline. Thus, if you want to receive your paper earlier, you will need to place a compensation order equal to the difference between the initial and final deadline.
We are not dealing with the customers’ payments directly. If you have faced any payment issue, you need to try using another credit card/device/payment processing company/browser/etc. If the problem remains, feel free to contact our support managers and they will try to solve it.
No, you will not be able to update the order form once it is completed. However, you are free to ask our support managers to do it for you. As for the additional pages, you are free to add them by placing a new order with the help of your personal account. Pay attention that the price will be recalculated in accordance with the new requirements. In case of experiencing any difficulties with placing an additional order, feel free to get in touch with our support representatives.
Certainly. You are free to update your personal profile by clicking on the Edit tab. Then, you will need to save changes.
We think it unlikely you will be unhappy with the quality of our work, but you can request a revision if that is the case. Initiate your request through the “Revision” option on your Account page. Usually, revision costs depend on the amount and complexity of the work required, especially if the paper requires significant modification from your original instructions. If paper requirements weren’t carefully followed, you can use a free revision option within 2 days after deadline expires for papers less than 20 pages. For papers more than 20 pages long, you’ve got 1 month to use free revision option.
If your paper doesn’t arrive when it is due, there is probably a reasonable explanation, so try not to worry too much! Maybe our writer is still waiting for some information from you to proceed. So, contact our support team straight away. They will track its status and rectify the problem very quickly. But, remember to contact them as soon as you think there is a problem.
An email notification telling you your paper is ready will be sent as soon as we have finished writing and testing it for plagiarism. You can download it from the “Files” area of your Account page. But, as a precaution, in case you don’t get our notification or it gets treated by your system as spam, do monitor your own Account page around the due date to make sure you receive your paper. We automatically send you the MS Word version to yiur email.
We invite you to choose a password that is unique to you when you place your first order with Of course, you may forget it later! But, don’t worry! Just follow the “Password reminder” link and you will be guided through the procedure for resetting it step by step.
Your Account page is a personal area we allocate to you when you buy your first paper from us. It securely contains a little personal information about you. Through it, you can communicate with us, upload and download files and track your work’s progress during every stage of its development. Your Account page comprises:
- A “Orders” tab from where you can check the status of all your orders, even the ones that have been completed or canceled as well as the ones that are currently in progress.
- A “Profile” tab from where you can check or update the personal information you provided about yourself. You can additionally change or reset your password here.
- Affiliate Program Section
- Discounts Section
- VIP Account Section
Each individual order tab offers you the facility to find out about the progress of that particular order or send a direct message about it to your writer. You can also send a message to the support staff at from here about particular orders.
Once receives your order, you are given your own Account. This account has a “File – Upload/Download” option, which allows you to add your files. As soon as you have done this, our writer immediately receives them. You can always contact our friendly customer support agents if you need any extra help.
It genuinely is quite straightforward. Just open the order link on our website and a short form with a few simple fields will appear. In the first field, add your topic. From there, tell us the page count, but you don’t need to include the cover, reference or citation pages. How many sources do you need? Tell us. Lastly, just set your deadline. There is a section on the form for special instructions so, if you have any, describe them in as much detail as possible. This will help your writer create the paper more accurately in line with your expectations. Along the way, there are helpful “more information” links that will open pop-up windows to answer your questions when you select them.
Progressive Delivery is specially created service for managing dissertation and thesis orders. It provides you with an opportunity of controlling your paper completion step by step. The following advantages are described here
At, we offer a couple of alternative delivery choices. You can select a two day delivery timeframe, so if we receive your order at 9.00 am on Monday it will be returned to you by 9.00 am on Wednesday.You can choose your paper deadline using our simple order form that will help you by giving hints about accordance of number of pages and complexity level to this or that deadline chosen. We can also facilitate urgent orders, for which each page still takes at least 3 hours to complete. Where possible, try and set realistic deadlines because, to ensure the best quality, our writers will have to undertake varying degrees of research, which requires adequate time. Do also try and provide as much information as you can about your project when placing your order to avoid later delay and to enable our writers to better develop the work in accordance with your expectations. The precise date for submitting your paper is known in the writing industry as the final submission deadline and this should exceed the first draft deadline by around 30% to adequately accommodate revision along the way.
We will work to any format you request but, generally, we apply a standard style of A4 sized pages with 300 words each, doubled spaced in 12pt Times New Roman font.We leave a 1 inch margin at each of the four edges.
We only keep a database of the papers we have already completed and delivered to ensure that our writers don’t try and resubmit papers they have previously provided to other customers.
Any work (current or prospective) consisting of about 100 words can be scanned on software. When it goes about checking papers for plagiarism, there is no better tool than By using it, you will be confident that your academic work is immaculate, i.e. without any copied content and improperly arranged citations. In order not to get accused of plagiarism and receive low grades, check your text for plagiarism before submitting it. With, you can be calm about the originality of your work, online entry, etc.
We certainly facilitate direct contact between you and your writer through a Messaging option in your Account page. In turn, they will contact you in this way if they have any questions or want to consult with you about different aspects of the project. Therefore, check your Account page for messages as often as you can in case they are trying to contact you.
All of our writers have impeccable credentials and experience. Some even have PhD’s while others have Bachelor’s, Master’s or some other high-ranking degree. Additionally, most have extensive expertise in a specialized field. This enables us to easily select a well-credentialed writer to match your own requirements and field of study.
We apply the following criteria when selecting new members to our writing team:
- Distinguished academic credentials, backed by a significant amount of relevant experience.
- We carefully scrutinize and score every writers application essay and each one undergoes a rigorous English written examination.
- While employed by, we monitor their ratings in various areas of specialism and expertise.
- We ascertain each writer’s availability and suitability to undertake individual orders.
For sure you are. Check out the Refund Policy options on our website for more information on this.
We agree that our price system is not as cheap as some others in the academic writing industry. But, the unique quality, innovation and originality of our papers compensate for this as you will find out if you decide to buy a paper from us. Don’t be tricked into buying papers from companies who offer them for less than $10.00 per essay page. No highly-educated and experienced writer can produce high quality work at such rates because, remember, that out of every $10.00, they are only likely to receive $7.00 at most. The reality is that such papers are most likely created by inexperienced and poorly-qualified writers or the companies in question are copiously reselling papers to other students. Our fee structure is such that it ensures we don’t resort to these practices. Our motto is premiere quality at the most affordable prices possible. values its customers’ loyalty, so we only offer secure payment methods. All our payment options fully comply with the appropriate legal regulations and requirements. It is worth your knowing that we have already successfully processed several thousand transactions safely. As you complete your order online, choose your credit card. And then you will be taken to page where you can get more helpful information on how to complete your payment and reassurance about their security measures.
Essentially, is a US-based academic writing company. For the past seven years or more, we have primarily helped numerous students from Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia achieve academic success. And we have also helped thousands of customers from many other countries throughout the world with their college work.
We fully respect customer confidentiality, so we only ask you for minimal information, which we do not disclose to anyone else. Our minimum requirement is to ask for your name, your best contact telephone number and your current email address. We even provide specific telephone numbers on our website, which our representative will use to call you if they need to. So, if you have caller ID and if anyone claiming to be from our company contacts you from a different number, beware, it is not us! So, don’t discuss your order with them. Neither should you provide any credit card information to our representatives via telephone because this is only needed by our payment partners when completing your order online. More information about our payment system and those of our PayPal and other partners is available in the Confidentiality section of our website. was founded with the objective of helping students achieve their academic goals more easily. All the effort that is required of customers is that they complete a simple order form, which we make available online. They also need to pay the applicable fee and tell us the date they want their paper by. So, if you know what you require and have the relevant supporting material to send us, you can order your paper right now. Our custom writing service works as follows:
- You need to fill out the short online order form and pay the appropriate fee, using your preferred method of payment. Should you require assistance as you proceed, each field has an “information” button alongside it and, by selecting this, a pop-up window will provide all the additional help you need. Once you have finished, we will instantly provide you with a “My Account” page. You can then use this account area to exchange messages with us, upload files and monitor the progress of your essay paper as it gets under way and develops.
- We select and assign a qualified writer to work with you. We have an impressively skilled and highly-qualified team of writers, from which we will carefully select an expert who is the closest match for your order and academic subject. If you want our writer to use any special technology or refer to any specific literature, just describe them on the order form.
- When your custom paper is expertly written, we will post it punctually to your Account page. Another copy will be sent to your email. After the deadline expires, you’ve got 48 hours to apply for a free revision if your paper needs some changes. Please note that papers less than 20 pages long give you an opportunity to use free revision option within 48 hours after deadline expires. If your order exceeds 20 pages, you’ve got 1 month to apply for a free revision. There is more information available in the Revisions Policy page of our website. It’s that easy. You can even get your paper started today by selecting Order Now!