This study outlines particular concerns of leadership in business referring to an addressed scenario. The situation relates to teaching “effective leadership” in an MBA program in 2018. The research outlines three fundamental topics on leadership in contemporary organizations while considering these most significant leadership aspects. The study describes what is important to learn from these leadership issues. It also addresses the assessment procedures used to analyze the efficiency of the leadership principles and its application to the organizations of the future. The researcher supports one’s findings with contemporary resources and evidence on the best leadership practices. It helps to support all the leadership traits covered and deliver more value to the target readers.
Thus, the rationale for this research is to provide the target audience with the most efficient leadership practices that apply to the organizations of the future. In fact, the fundamentals of leadership are imperative since many companies face various leadership-related obstacles. As a result, the operations of any particular company become less efficient and lead to adverse outcomes for all its stakeholders. Therefore, the research will provide unique leadership matters that could have a positive impact on . The researcher supports one’s findings with the contemporary literature review that takes advantage of many leadership-related issues in the workplace of the Fortune 500 companies. The primary emphasis of this study is on the relationship of leadership to the organizational problems. Finally, the concluding remarks of the research consider the major research points examined in this research paper.
In any business setting, the companies face many challenges, such as a high cost of resources and utilities. There is no opportunity to increase pricing policies on the completed products or services due to a decreased demand and competition in the target markets. Such pressure on the companies exists all over the world, which creates an intense negative environment for the businesses to function efficiently in the target industry. All these business problems closely relate to the leadership effectiveness in the workplace. The fundamentals of leadership can help to find a creative approach to increasing productivity of people and scale the business in the future. To achieve such goals, the executives need to reconsider their leadership models for those that can help to solve conflicts between employees and managers. It determines the overall dynamics of the company and its position in the target market (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009).
Modern businesses operate in a global economy, which affects the vast majority of target customers and healthy competition. Every successful business takes advantage of its employees and affiliate members, such as business partners and suppliers that operate either temporary or permanently, at any time and all over the globe. Today, the focus is on cooperation, which is much stronger than the competition. It allows entrepreneurs to scale their businesses based on their achievements. Therefore, the position of leadership should correspond less to the leadership roles and more to the mentors and coaches. This approach can help entrepreneurs to lead their teams more effectively by encouraging them for greater achievements. Both mentors and coaches can inspire people to go beyond their individual potential, which ultimately leads to a substantial advantage of such companies in the target niches (Colfax, Santos, & Diego, 2009).
Entrepreneurs can manage their businesses by considering faulty expectations that a group of people can operate efficiently if the business owners do not check the quality of work. Senior managers could receive higher positions in the company based entirely on their professional skills and not personal qualities. Many newly hired employees could get a promotion every time they demonstrate their individual expertise. Such development involves personal leadership competencies that are not always in place. These employees will become managers who will solve business problems based on their logic and simplicity of solutions. However, they may ignore or underestimate the personal implications of management. These managers may assume that the skills of employees are primarily equal along with their approach to work. As a result, they will assign work to the wrong people and will fail to take responsibility for their job. It will lead to many issues in the workplace since they will not use the fundamentals of leadership to manage their jobs effectively (Frey, Kern, Snow, & Curlette, 2009).
Leadership effectiveness depends on both personal qualities and professional qualifications of people in managerial positions. The executives may have an improper approach to search for the right people to fill in the vacancies. The problem with this leadership approach is in the focus of senior managers. The emphasis is on finding people with perfect leadership characteristics who will convey to the corporate culture. Instead, the fundamentals of leadership indicate that the executives should consider finding people for the managerial roles based on their abilities to solve issues of the company. Therefore, the officials should reconsider their corporate strategy and make sure it can solve business problems. The next step is to find the managers who can become responsible for a group of people and meet the present challenges (Lee, 2009).
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Beyond professional characteristics of the team members, the view of managers can have a substantial positive or adverse impact on the productivity of employees in the workplace. The attitude concerns refer to the “control of emotions and being extremely positive or exceedingly negative to the workflow.” Based on managerial perspective, one can postpone making the right decisions and continue useless “control, planning and analysis.” Managers could have trouble in understanding the personalities of individual team members, which may result in using a single leadership role to manage employees. In many cases, the problems arise with so-called ‘leaders’ who tend to gain an entire control of one’s working environment. It includes having a sole power of employees and individual projects, comprising instant compliance. Such managers usually take advantage of fear to achieve their professional goals (Nauman, Khan, & Ehsan, 2009).
The issues of every personality may have a positive and adverse impact on corporate communication. In case employees have difficulties in conveying information at work, the business stops operating efficiently. Those managers who take advantage of direct communication may interrupt the overall transmission of data. It could be worth it in case managers feel uncomfortable to listen to others and ask for any feedback. On the contrary, these managers could have problems with understanding that different employees need different communication of data using different channels to interact with each other. They could communicate in the way that nobody can understand them, or they can talk for a long time without any sense in everything they say. Such managers seek to dominate in every conversation and employees have no opportunity to reply to their requests. These managers “do not ask questions but make their statements, they perceive their assumptions or opinions as pure facts, and they do not see the world neutrally, but in black and white colors only” (Whitmore, 2009).
Currently, leaders face numerous problems in both personal and professional lives. The issue is that there is always no time to solve all the problems entirely, especially while working on one problem at the same time. It makes leaders search for small breaking points to lessen the level of tension and consider other problems. However, this approach to solving problems does not allow leaders to deal with the heart of every issue, which often results in difficulties to find real-life solutions. The ability to solve problems is what the leaders have to do everywhere and every single day. Furthermore, the leaders should not only solve the problems but also predict them and minimize their occurrence. It requires great courage to deal with all the possible issues in advance (Zenger & Folkman, 2009).
The leaders should be active while they establish a favorable working environment. Nevertheless, many employees tend to complicate the working process with “self-promotion, power roles, working strategies, and resentment.” Besides, the leaders should take care of alternative circumstances that make employees less productive in the workplace. Such circumstances include “the use of corporate resources, budget planning, activities of individual people and similar state of affairs that worsen the process of work.” Some typical problems of leaders comprise “unexpected signed agreements with returning clients, establishment of a new relationship with the target market, a launch of an alternative product, the higher brand loyalty of competing companies, incorporation of new marketing strategies” and similar (Yukl, 2009).
The overall concern is that new problems distract leaders from solving the existing ones, which results in a less efficient leadership and weak position of the company in the target market. However, the leaders are experts in solving problems based on the fundamentals of leadership. These leadership principles help to observe various challenging solutions and perceive problems from “different angles, personalized vision, and opportunities that are beyond conventional leadership traits.” Effective leaders usually take advantage of the fundamental leadership principles to approach their problems as opportunities. They perceive problems with their vision that helps leaders not only to see the existing problems but also to offer more value to people by enhancing their best practices. The leaders take advantage of the fundamental principles to grow businesses and become more competitive in the target market. In fact, the leaders could be more effective if they understand that “all the problems are similar, they just look different.” All the problems require continuous improvements and strategic actions to remain afloat and scale the business accordingly. It also helps to expand the business by gaining trust and learning to solve problems more efficiently (Puccio, Mance, & Murdock, 2011).
Every single day leaders need to communicate their message to employees. The leaders should be open-minded to ensure their message is clear and perceived correctly. Open-minded communication is necessary to predict and solve problems in the workplace. It makes great sense when the leaders have to deal with people who create needless confusion to hide their inefficiency. An open mind is essential in solving problems that are difficult to manage because of people who slow down the working process and decrease efficiency to look better in the eyes of senior management. Open-minded communication helps a leader to reveal potential leaders and problem creators. It also contributes to taking a greater initiative and using innovations to improve the working process. Open-minded leaders can see the working environment beyond the observable details. They can also use risk management to enhance the fundamental leadership principles. It allows them to solve more problems and scale the business more efficiently. In parallel, the employees who also take advantage of a close-minded approach can also transform daily working problems into great opportunities. For this reason, the leaders should continuously observe the actions of employees when dealing with every new problem in the workplace (Cameron, 2014).
Change management is a key to making progress for both employees and managers. Effective leaders perceive every change as an evolution of working strategies used to solve problems in business. Otherwise, every new change in the company is a substitution of an old working system with a new one. Many leaders are trying to separate any problem compared to finding the best strategy to change the working environment. In many cases, a better strategy to address the change lies in understanding the existing problem. Effective leaders who developed their problem-solving skills can always find the right “employees, time, resources, investment and knowledge” based on previous experiences. They tend to encourage employees to cooperate while solving any problem. Every new issue is an opportunity for effective leaders to find better solutions and inspire people to work more efficiently together. Effective leaders claim that a real potential of individuals is not visible until there is an opportunity to see the way employees tend to solve problems in the workplace (Harari, 2012).
Leadership effectiveness is a result of applying realistic plans based on particular business strategies used to address certain problems. Effective leaders can predict the unexpected situations and take advantage of their strengths by directing the right people to a logical solution. Whenever leaders solve problems, they should not guess, but use sufficient time to evaluate arising issues. This approach helps leaders to find opportunities to solve business problems by understanding their distinctions. A clear strategy is significant to find viable solutions and solve business problems more efficiently. The fundamentals of leadership are the tools used by effective leaders to make the process of solving problems smooth, which leads to rapid business growth. In case the companies have difficulties while solving problems, they experience a leadership deficiency. Every problem is an opportunity for a leader to grow personally and professionally. The eagerness to deal with complex problems allows a leader “to become mature, behave with courage, and be responsible for every single action.” Every lesson in either business or personal life is an experience that helps a leader to embrace one’s problem-solving skills and enhance them with many treasures denoted by these problems (Steltzner & Patrick, 2016).
It is always better to avoid common leadership mistakes in one’s professional practice. Therefore, a leader should know these errors to consider the best ways to tackle them. According to Oscar Wilde, “experience is the name of making mistakes and solving them.” Mistakes of leaders offer them great opportunities to learn and develop their personalities. However, it is better to prevent the most common leadership errors in the workplace. To lead and manage people effectively, it makes sense to learn these common leadership errors in theory rather than in personal leadership practice. As a result, it will help a leader to save the whole team and oneself from issues that are hard to solve but easy to predict (Gates, 2016).
Many talented employees have unprofessional habits that have a substantial negative impact on their performance at work. Until the leaders alert to these mistakes, the employees will continue making them and lose target customers or spoil relationships in the workplace. Never asking for feedback has been a common mistake that leaders make, which negatively affects their leadership effectiveness. In contrast, asking for any feedback is an opportunity for effective leaders to increase their performance. Effective leaders should learn new ways of asking for feedback every time they interact with employees. It will help to correct the common mistakes of leaders and avoid their adverse consequences for both the company and its staff. Moreover, the leaders should learn to understand the feedback they receive and ask clarifying questions to provide employees with a comprehensive follow-up and improvements (Kirton, 2016).
Many managers and leaders experience an informational overload, which makes them not available for their team members. The challenge is to deliver the projects on time, but it is also important to think of employees, as they always need proper guidance during the working process. An opportunity for direct communication with a leader helps employees to avoid making mistakes, which also helps a leader to meet the project objectives. To prevent such errors, effective leaders should invest more time for communicating with employees. Effective leadership is mostly about the team guided by a powerful leader. It makes sense to improve the listening skills while interacting with every team member. Emotional intelligence is what helps a leader to teach one’s team and concentrate on their individual needs. It is possible by scheduling time for employees in advance to make them aware of specific working hours they can receive help from the leadership perspective (Rabarison, Ingram, & Holsinger, 2013).
A typical illustration of this leadership model is a project completed in the wrong way since a leader was not available to consult employees and check the correctness of their work. Effective leaders should ensure their employees fully understand all their tasks to complete them on time and at a high quality. In case the leaders are not available for a follow-up, there could be a misunderstanding, which will lead to unhappy target customers. In fact, the leaders will have to communicate with these clients and explain the reasons for such misunderstandings. Thus, it is better to take advantage of micromanagement since the “hand-offs” management style often results in disparity across the company (DuBrin, 2012).
Many leaders wish to be approachable and friendly while they interact with employees. Most employees are interested in working with a manager who understands and supports them. However, every leader needs to make difficult decisions regarding some staff, and many employees tend to take advantage of friendly relationships in case the leaders are too friendly with them. The best way to communicate with employees is to “find a balance between being the manager and being a friend.” Also, it makes sense to think of setting specific restrictions, as not to put employees in the position to manipulate with their friendly relationships (Rosenstein, 2016).
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Every time the employees do not see clear goals and objectives of the company, they spend their time without delivering any value. It also has an adverse impact on their productivity since they have no purpose for their work. Employees also find it difficult to set the right priorities and manage the workload effectively. It means that they complete many assignments in a wrong way, which also means they do not meet their project deadlines. It is important to learn the ways to set so-called “smart goals” for the employees to solve such leadership mistake. It is also essential to take advantage of the “team charter” to indicate the company objectives and provide more details on the use of available resources. Effective leaders should benefit from the fundamental leadership principle called “management by objectives.” It is helpful to align the goals of employees with the vision, mission, and objectives of the company (Whitelaw, 2012).
Both staff and leaders make mistakes, but these mistakes could become an advantage and an opportunity to grow and succeed in every business setting. The leaders need to learn the ways to transform their errors and mistakes of their employees into an opportunity to become a better team of professionals. It is important to acquire new skills and take the time to recognize them and avoid most common leadership mistakes in the future. The leaders can become more effective by making their employees highly productive in the workplace. Such approach to leadership helps leaders to solve their problems efficiently. They learn to be more efficient and become respected by their team and senior management (Yukl, 2010).
Every competent manager should know what motivates one’s employees. In many cases, the leaders wrongly assume that the best motivation for employees is money, which is indeed not true. Effective leaders should think of alternative motivators, such as “flexible working hours, greater achievements, a better work-life balance, additional responsibility, reward, and friendship.” To improve one’s motivation skills, leaders should consider individual motivators. Moreover, they should be motivated to inspire people to work more efficiently in the workplace. As a result, both parties will be satisfied since the leaders will complete their projects on time and at a high quality and employees will receive extra bonuses, depending on their incentive initiatives (Cameron, 2014).
Every time there is a significant workload, it makes sense to have enough employees to complete the job in a timely fashion. Nevertheless, finding a person for a missing position may result in a huge mistake for the leader and one’s team. Every time leaders hurry when making their decisions, they are in the position to hire the wrong employees. As a result, the whole team will face inefficiency at work or inability to communicate effectively in the workplace. Therefore, the leaders should find better ways of making the team productive every day. Today, it makes sense to consider additional training for employees. However, this training should improve the existing competencies of employees, but not develop them. Hiring a wrong person will slow down the whole team since they will get accustomed to one’s professional experience. It results in a waste of resources and valuable time while working on every single project, especially when such employees leave after their first failure. Also, the other staff will be frustrated since they will have to do the additional work free of charge, which requires extra time and more efforts. Thus, it makes sense to learn the art of efficient recruiting of employees by being particularly meticulous about every person to employ in the future (Gates, 2016).
In case a leader makes personal phone calls at work, or negatively refers to executive management, the employees will do the same. Therefore, a leader should become a role model for one’s employees. In case an employee needs to work extra hours, a leader should stay in the office to help. In some companies, the employees do not eat at the desk, which means a leader should go to the break room to have lunch. If the leader becomes a role model, the employees will also go for lunch in the break room. In case a leader expresses a negative attitude in the workplace, most likely the employees will behave similarly. Consequently, the leaders should remember that the teams always watch their leaders and duplicate their behaviors in the workplace. If a leader is a professional and a role model, the employees will be polite and gentle since they will tend to become better. Thus, a leader can shape the behaviors of employees by becoming a role model and making sure they follow a leadership approach on their own (Kirton, 2016).
Some leaders do not delegate the major assignments since they think that employees will not complete them accurately. It leads to numerous problems since leaders simply have no time to complete all the tasks on their own. As a result, they experience a nervous tension and burn out faster. It is always difficult to delegate important tasks, especially if the team members are less experienced that their leaders. Nevertheless, the leaders should learn to trust employees and allow them to grow professionally at work, which will lead to getting more work done in less time. In fact, with every new assignment, the employees will become more experienced and will show a high quality of the job they do. In case a leader works on the most important tasks on one’s own, there is no opportunity to think broader towards an improvement of the working process, which is one of the primary responsibilities of leaders. Besides, employees do not have a chance to develop their professional competencies without working on their individual assignments. On the contrary, by delegating work, the leaders can take away the pressure from working on multiple projects that require much time and effort. The leaders should always learn new strategies of effective delegation every time they face a new dilemma in the workplace (Rosenstein, 2016).
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After becoming a manager, one’s responsibilities change concerning a leadership position. It is the time to take advantage of new personal qualities and professional qualifications since the overall working process and all the activities differ drastically. Moreover, the managers can quickly forget about such changes and set of skills required to perform effectively. It means that the leaders are not able to manage their jobs properly, which is leading and managing employees in the workplace. Based on a leadership position and responsibilities, the leaders should evaluate their leadership roles and consider a set of alternative skills they need to develop. Overall, most leaders fail unless they learn new skills and delegate the work irrespective of the professional competencies of their employees. Ultimately, the leadership role is to manage and lead people, but not working on the projects on one’s own (Steltzner & Patrick, 2016).
Leadership, as people understand it today, is no longer valid without the fundamental leadership traits. Many companies experience challenges with managing people based on the inability of executives to deliver value to the target audience. A lack of leadership is also challenging to pursue from the position of organizations that function efficiently in their target markets without following a particular leadership model. Considering both scenarios, it is evident that current companies find the perception of leadership in an opposite way. Today, many organizations do not have a proper leadership concept compared to what the universities teach and what people see in the end. Nevertheless, some ideas are correct for every company, which is the need to establish a high-quality organizational environment that would encourage people to work efficiently. Today, leaders are people with special abilities, who treat others differently and can set an effective performance in the workplace. Based on this conception, there is an argument that states that modern businesses face difficulties in case they cannot select an appropriate leadership model that satisfies all the business parties.
Many leaders tend to solve problems by investing in various expensive solutions without a clear vision for the future outcomes. It leads to not finding any solution at all and merely spending money for nothing that may bring any positive results. It is an example of incompetent leadership that reflects a lack of ability of current leaders to solve the right problems. These leaders mostly tend to solve problems that are unreasonable or do not make sense to address them at a given time. It happens since leaders do not understand the nature of the problems they try to solve, which leads to using improper solutions and applying them at the wrong time.
Most current leaders tend to address simple problems and avoid resolving challenging ones since it helps them to look professional in front of their target audience. The truth is that most leaders need to take advantage of the fundamental leadership principles. It has to be with courage and understanding to face different complex issues in business and personal life. The ability to solve problems effectively requires the skills and competencies to break a large problem into several smaller problems and solve all of them one by another. The leaders need to have a clear understanding of the problem, which relates directly to the fundamentals of leadership. The idea is to solve problems with a team of professionals and lead them to find the best reasonable solution to any challenging issue.
The position of leadership is to address the problems with the help of highly talented and enthusiastic people who can find many creative and efficient ways of solving challenging issues. It refers to the use of brainstorming while searching for the best solution to any problem. Effective leaders should take advantage of clarity in communication with people and understanding of the overall problem. It makes sense to solve complex problems by identifying smaller ones and finding the right people to deal with every particular issue. Effective leadership is about creativity and opportunity for the leaders to serve people by solving their problems in the most efficient ways. The use of fundamental leadership principles is indeed necessary to achieve leadership effectiveness in both personal and professional lives.
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