The United Arab Emirates is a country that can be characterized with the exclusive luxury. One of the aspects of this phenomenon is that numerous reach people in the UAE have fast sport cars. Moreover, they enjoy not only watching them and having comfortable vehicles but practice driving with excessively high speeds. Such cases endanger the public and often lead to accidents causing severe injuries or deaths. The paper suggests that high speeds of the vehicles should be automatically regulated in order to maintain the safety of the road traffic. At the same time, there are claims that such measures are not needed. This study aims at investigating this question and considering both viewpoints. The UAE government should control computers of the fast cars to have a maximum speed of 140 km\h in order to prevent death and injuries.
First, one should evaluate the statistics involving car accidents, injuries and deaths in order to support the thesis of the paper. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the most influential organizations in the world, has a striking statistics of car crashes involving deaths and injuries. According to its calculations, the annual death ratio from car accidents in the world reaches 1.25 million people (The World Health Organization, 2015). Moreover, approximately 20-50 million people have non-fatal injuries caused with vehicle crashes. In most of the cases, such traumas lead to disability and severely deteriorate the quality of peoples’ lives. Furthermore, road traffic accidents bring about not only personal damages but are associated with great economic losses. They affect the victims, their families, and those who cause the crashes. The latter pay compensations as the result of lawsuits initiated against them. Likewise, such cases impose economic losses for the whole countries. For instance, it is estimated that the road traffic crashes lead to the losses of approximately 3% of a state’s gross national product. Moreover, this sum rises up to 5% in countries with low and middle incomes (The World Health Organization, 2015). Additionally, one has to say that low- and middle income states are among those, in which car accidents lead to deaths. There are various reasons for this including the lack of experience and training of the emergency personnel, the cars, which were built without a reference to any safety standards, and other. Furthermore, one has to indicate that the global statistics shows that people between 15 and 44 years constitute about 48% of deaths worldwide (The World Health Organization, 2015). Additionally, the sex statistics demonstrates that about 73% of the accidents involve men, among which those under the age of 25 are the most likely die from a car crash (The World Health Organization, 2015).
Furthermore, one has to emphasize that car accidents occur without any reference to wealth or social status of a person. Thus, Bailey (2015) reports about twenty car crashes involving the celebrities. Among those who died in the car accidents were the CBS correspondent Bob Simon, Princess Diana, James Dean, Jayne Mansfield, Herb Brooks and others (Bailey, 2015). The shocking irony of some crashes is that they involved people casting in movies about the fast cars. For instance, in November 2013, actor Paul Walker, famous for his role in “Fast and the Furious”, died in the Porsche, which smashed into a tree and exploded (Bailey, 2015). Thus, one presumes that the most dangerous car accidents are caused with high speeds. Therefore, there is a need to investigate this issue.
Scholars and road safety experts argue that most of the car accidents leading to death occur because of fast speeds. For instance, Vallese (2003) reports that the study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety indicates that the power of the car is likely to cause crashes. Thus, she states that “More deaths are occurring on the nation’s highways because car manufacturers are putting more horsepower under the hood of cars and drivers are using the muscle to go faster than ever” (Vallese, 2003). Consequently, if a person wants to drive a car faster, it has some psychological reasons. Among them one can name addiction to high speed because of extreme emotions and experience of close danger. Additionally, one may indicate that a person gets used to high speed and accepts it as moderate, which leads to constant speeding. In this respect one has to consider the opinion of San Diego car accident lawyers, who analyze the causes and consequences of car accidents. They claim that nearly one-third of car crashes are associated with speeding (Personal Injury Attorneys & Car Accident Lawyers, 2012). There are simple biological reasons for this correlation. Thus, the experts indicate that people have less time to react at higher speeds, which is aggravated with the physical forces directed towards a human body (Personal Injury Attorneys & Car Accident Lawyers, 2012). As a result, higher speeds lead to death more often. Additionally, one should consider the factor of the environment. For instance, even the slight speeding in several kilometers per hour may result in a car crash on the roads with poor light or condition. Moreover, there is another psychological cause for speeding, which has been revealed in the studies. Thus, experts claim that drivers accelerate to those speeds that would not result in a fine (Vallese, 2003). Consequently, Vallese (2003) suggests that “differences in perception of the amount of enforcement among these areas were major factors in the higher or lower travel speeds.” That is why the regulation of speed with the help of a policy for drivers might be not enough.
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Furthermore, the cause-consecutive relation between speeding and road accidents is revealed by broader studies. For instance, the research of the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents indicates that inappropriate speeds result in 14% of injury collisions and 15% of crashes with serious injuries (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, 2011). Moreover, it states that about 24% of collisions are resulting in death. Additionally, the society performed a study demonstrating the relation between excessive car speeds and road accidents. Thus, the experts have found that the average reduction of a car speed by 1 mile per hour reduces the crashes probability by 5% (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, 2011). Likewise, the study of the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) indicates that the increase of the speed by one kilometer per hour increases the accident ratio by 3% (European Road Safety Observatory, 2007). Therefore, the ERSO introduced a verbal formula “The higher the speed, the steeper the increase in accident risk” (European Road Safety Observatory, 2007). At the same time, various road safety associated organizations in the US and the UK performed studies revealing the contrast between the safety of fast and slow drivers. Consequently, the results of the researches in both countries indicated that the faster drivers are, the more they risks being involved in an accident (European Road Safety Observatory, 2007). Therefore, one suggests that special policies including the automatic regulation of car speed should be introduced in the UAE.
At the same time, there are claims that there is no need for such measures. The supporters of this view usually argue that there are numerous other reasons, which can lead to car accidents. Some of their typical examples are the statements that there are other human errors, which cause almost 80% of car crashes (Road Safety, n. d.). Among them they name drunk driving, non-wearing seat belts, poor knowledge about road safety, unreasonable traffic laws and engineering of vehicles and roads (Road Safety, n. d.). Moreover, some people state that the road safety is greatly endangered because of bad driving habits practiced by various drivers. Among the typical examples of them they refer to tailgating, undertaking, poor lane discipline and misuse of indicators (Road Safety, n. d.). Furthermore, there are claims that the most frequent cause of car accidents is “driver error or reaction” (Williams, 2011). At the same time, the paper suggests that the arguments of those who oppose the policies of restricting speeds are rebutted with both earlier and contemporary investigations. For instance, Allan Williams argues that “in 1974, when the national maximum speed limit lowered the limits across the country to 55 mph, fatality rates dropped significantly” (Vallese, 2003). Therefore, one presumes that there is a reason for introducing the policy of regulation of the speed of a car.
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The issue of the need for regulation of traffic speed has been debated in many countries leading towards the introduction of special policies. For instance, the top legal speed in the US is 80 miles per hour (Spell, 2010). At the same time, one claims that due to the above mentioned psychological reasons legal restrictions have only minor role in reducing the number of road accidents. For example, Spell (2010) raises the question that even such limit in the US should be lowered. That is why one suggests that the psychological reasons might be regulated more efficiently with the means of electronic control. The most useful way of such control is the programming of car computers for maximum speed of 140 km/h. The implications of this policy for the UAE would lead to the automatic speed limit for supercars that are the most common for this country. Consequently, this policy would reduce the number of car accidents and associated injuries and deaths.
Summarizing the presented information, one comes to a conclusion that the UAE needs a policy addressing the automatic regulation of car speeds. The reason for this is numerous statistics data supporting the idea that high speeds are the major cause of car accidents leading to injuries and deaths. Additionally, the need for automatic regulation is brought about with the human psychology of speeding associated with extreme emotions. Therefore, one views that the automatic regulation of car speeds would be efficient for the UAE because of its increased capacity of supercars. Consequently, the automatic limit of 140 km/h in all supercars would reduce the number of road accidents.
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