All dissertations are similar in format but, the fact that distinguishes them is the field to which their studies are related. When it comes to different fields and writing a dissertation and the difficulties associated with them, then geography is one such field where dissertation writing is not an easy task. Thanks to the distinctive character of geography, it demands more time and attention. No question of wasting your time, the sooner you begin the better.
The dissertation topics are vast, topical, interesting and important like earthquakes, global warming, hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons and many others. Select your choice to study the causes and effects of these natural changes on human lives. For your study you will need to have a good and a reliable source of information in graphs, pictures or maps. Figures, data and statistics will also be required. Each and every bit of information must be verified. Your research materials must be gathered from those organizations that are genuine, recognized and reputable. Wrong data and figures will give a clue to your irresponsibility and carelessness
In case you are using the library then you should directly go the geography section and begin your search. There will be more than thousands of books in your library, but if you know the title of the book or the author’s name then you will be able to identify them much easily and faster than sifting through thousands of books before coming to one and worse to none. Sadly, all libraries do not have a collection of that many good books or you may not be able to find one that might be useful for you. Hence, a little instruction or information about those books might come in handy.
Your search on the internet will be similar to your search on the library; you will come across a number of webpage for your topic. Your search results will be based on how well the website has optimized the search engine. Most web-pages are written for popularity and have nothing much to offer. Instead of searching through these web pages go to the websites of Google map or Wikipedia. These well-known sites can unlock you a wealth of reliable information. Generally, you would use a key word for your search but, if you do not know how to use the keyword properly, your search results will not show what you are looking for.
Your literature review must be a presentation of the most relevant and up to date data based on the materials you used for your research and reference. It must be reliable, and you must give your justifications for it. The methodology chapter has to be a detail of the plan, procedure and methods used by you, like the maps, pictures, graphs, figures and statistics, etc. The findings you achieve in the end of such a method would be quantitative one. That is it will be a numeric expression based on the objective method. Hence, you need to be very careful with the figures. A small change in the actual figure can make a whole lot of difference. Moreover your methods must have scope for further implementation by future researchers.
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