What is an interview essay paper? If you have been assigned an interview essay, you should know that this type of paper serves several purposes. Among other things, an interview in essay format allows you to get to know individuals better, especially if they have an interesting story to tell. You can also learn a lot about different career fields if you write an interview essay paper featuring a well-respected psychologist or businessperson. From the standpoint of the professor, writing an interview paper allows them to gauge your writing abilities, especially in the way you are able to inform and entertain the reader through the information acquired during the interview.
The first step in writing a successful interview essay paper is to choose an interesting and relevant topic. Sometimes your instructor might give you the general topic while at other times you have some flexibility as long as it is related to the course. Of course, the person that you are interviewing is just as important as the topic since you will be getting most of your information from him/her. Thus, if you were doing an interview about the Vietnam War, you would want to ask somebody – such as a historian- who has good insights.
Likewise, if the topic were psychology, it would be best to choose a knowledgeable psychologist. Of course, if you are choosing somebody who is short on time, you might want to give them a list of questions in advance so that they can provide the best possible answers. You should also have a Plan B if the person on top of your list declines the offer to be interviewed. Also note that the interview essay format that you choose also determines the direction of the paper whether it is narrative, career-related, question-answer, etc. If you lack experience with this type of assignment, you can find plenty of interview essay examples on the internet to get you started.
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If you want the interviewee to reflect thoroughly on the topic, asking open-ended questions is the best way to do this. It allows them to take the question in whatever direction they wish, and they can provide a lot of informative insight.
These questions provide the interviewee with a limited number of responses to choose from. This can be especially useful if you are interviewing a large number of people and want information that can be measured in a quantitative way.
This is the most simple form of a question that leaves no room for interpretation. You simply want to know whether the interviewee(s) have or have not done something, agree or disagree with a statement, etc.
Now that you have a better idea about the different types of questions you can ask, it is now time to plan for your interview and essay writing. As noted, you can find interview essay examples free online to get a good idea about what it entails. Keep in mind that the interview paper is quite different from other types of essays such as compare and contrast, persuasive, etc.
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Hire The Best WriterInterviewing a family member that you admire, or somebody who works in a career field of your dreams is a good way to make the essay meaningful to you.
Reputable magazines such as Time, Rollingstone, and The Economist can serve as good models for your interview essay. Of course, keep in mind that you do not have to interview a famous pop star, politician or actor in order to write a compelling interview essay.
This strategy works on several levels. If you want to get some real insight from a relative about life in the 1960s, frame it in a way that allows for a compelling response. Likewise, if you are interviewing several people, you do not want the question to be bland since you are hoping for a variety of interesting answers.
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The goal of your interview is not to simply get through your list of questions. As they are answering, you want to give them a chance to be as complete as possible. Never interrupt. Also, if you do not necessarily agree with a certain point, give them a chance to explain their rationale.
If you want to really get the most complete responses, ask follow-up questions. This is especially useful if you are interviewing several people since the follow-up question is specifically a response to their individual answers. In other words, you will be able to gather a lot of unique information since each interviewee is being asked different follow-up questions.
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We hope this gives you a better idea about how to write an interview essay. However, if you are still struggling, your best option is to buy an interview essay here. We are an interview essay writing service that delivers the best custom academic writing online. For a reasonable price, you can hire one of our professional writers to complete your interview essay for you. Ask for your free interview essay example from our top writers and if you are happy with what you see, request your own made-to-order essay!
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