Starting your dissertation project can be absolutely frightening, especially because of the lack of knowledge and experience about it. Despite the fact that you are already in the third year, even the slightest reminder of dissertation makes your knees knock, doesn’t it?
This is a typical case, when you have recently had a meeting with your tutor and it seems that you are ready to face the challenge of writing your dissertation, but you end up being hopeless when you open a blank Word document. What are the ways of losing your fear and finding motivation when it comes to dissertation writing? Stop staring at the screen having no ideas what to start with.
Make sure that you have all the required office supplies as well as a fully-functioning computer. Otherwise, you might waste time on these little things when every single minute is at a premium. Additionally, it is recommended making a calendar as a reminder not to miss any important deadline. It is also a good idea to elaborate a list of tasks that you need to complete each day or week. Planning ahead your dissertation obviates the need for a sleepless night before the due date, because you haven’t completed the necessary steps in time.
The most important thing is not to get distracted by the things like having a snack because of being peckish or returning a phone call to a friend. Whenever you start working on your dissertation, plan your breaks thoroughly so that you do not waste your precious time.
Make sure that your breaks are justified. Actually, checking your emails is usually a part of university workload, as you might get an email from your tutor or receive some information regarding university events. Therefore, it is fine to check your inbox from time to time. However, if you find yourself replying to a bunch of friends or checking your notifications on Facebook, immediately get back to work. Unjustified breaks should be eliminated out of your working time.
It might happen that you have been working on your laptop and suddenly it turns off. In order to avoid the panic, make a habit of backing up your work every 15 minutes. This way, you won’t have to worry about the lost data. Even if you need to restore some information, it won’t be such an enormous amount of work as it could be after working a few hours without occasionally saving the Word document.
My congratulations! You’ve done it. The days and nights of the lack of sleep, food, and interaction with friends and family are over. Now, it is high time to hand in your dissertation and celebrate.
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